Stick Pack Packaging

Our stick pack packaging capabilities take an innovative approach to single-serve packaging. As a leading co-packer, we create space-efficient and consumer-friendly designs for your products. This helps boost brand integrity while reducing packaging waste and cost.

person pouring powder from stick package into glass of water

Why Ryder Stick Pack Packaging?

We measure, weigh, and fill stick packs of multiple sizes and for various products. This meets the rising demands of consumers for convenience and portion control, while ensuring precise serving sizes and maximizing quality. Whether it’s enhancing customer experience in the food and beverage industry or introducing convenience in health and beauty products, we have you covered.

  • Eco-friendly
    brown stick pack packages in a bowl


    Our stick pack packaging can use up to 33% less film than traditional sachets, reducing material waste. A high-barrier film ensures a 24-month shelf life, minimizing product waste. Our stick packs are portable, convenient, and can be made from sustainable materials, contributing to their eco-friendliness.

  • Lower Costs
    multiple stick packages on top of each other

    Lower Costs

    Stick pack packaging offers cost savings thanks to its reduced raw material requirements. Lower production costs directly lead to increased profits and the ability to produce more products. Stick packs are versatile, suitable for powder packets, as well as food, health & wellness, or specialized supplement packaging.

  • Compact
    multiple black and white stick packages in a cup


    By using stick packs, you can maximize space efficiency. Each stick pack takes up minimal room, allowing you to fit large quantities of stick packs and pouches into a single box. This consolidation helps reduce overall costs.

  • Convenience
    pouring sugar from stick pack package into coffee


    Stick pack packaging, from a leading co-packer like Ryder, enhances product marketability by offering convenient, single-serve pouches and easily accessible individual sticks.

Ryder Contract Manufacturing and Packaging Certifications

Our co-packaging state-of-the-art facilities adhere to the highest level of manufacturing practices. Our quality assurance program is designed to comply with all current Good Manufacturing Practices as outlined by the FDA.

Safety Quality Food certification logo
certified organic logo
kosher certification logo
certified gluten-free logo
udaf logo

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We may use the information you provide to contact you about Ryder System, Inc. We do not share/sell your data. To learn more, view our privacy policy.

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