Case Study: Ryder and Wolf & Shepherd

E-Commerce|Case Studies
cover of the Ryder and Wolf & Shepherd  case study

Wolf and Shepherd, a footwear brand that combines athletic innovation with traditional craftsmanship, encountered the need to expand its logistics to keep pace with its rapid growth and dedication to quality. To address this challenge, the brand partnered with Ryder and eZCom Software to implement a cutting-edge logistics solution. This collaboration ensured that as Wolf and Shepherd continued to grow, its supply chain and delivery processes remained as innovative as its footwear.

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Vous souhaitez nous parler de vos besoins professionnels actuels ?

Vous souhaitez nous parler de vos besoins professionnels actuels ?

Quelle solution vous intéresse ?
  • Chaîne d'approvisionnement
  • Logistique de transport
  • Camions d'occasion
  • Louer des camions
  • Location et entretien
  • Autre

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